Monday 7 March 2011

Series 1. Episode 1. Introduction

            Being Human is just that. It's a series about a vampire, a werewolf, and ghost, with lots of messy bits in between.  Now when i say vampires, i mean vampires, not these fairy-like "men" that have nothing better to do than starve themselves and trail after helpless young girls, but real vampires. Ones that actually have to drink blood to survive. Let me introduce you to the main vampire in this series..

                                                            John Mitchell. (Aiden Turner)

         John Mitchell. We find out that he was recruited by a tribe of vampires when he was in World War Two by someone called Herrick (We'll come to him later). He was transformed into a vampire and had to survive through the last 60 years, drinking his friends and regretting it. One aspect of the vampires in this series i particularly like is how when they're about to feed, their fangs drop down and their eyes turn completely black :D


Next up we have the werewolf, George. He seems like a kind and lovely fellow that lots of bad things have happened to. We find out that when he was away travelling with a friend, he had gone out for a walk at night, and there been attacked by something, killing his friend and leaving himself scarred. In this film if someone if scratched by a werewolf, they will turn into one. And so, every full moon, George must put his dignaty in a box, and brave out the night.

                                                                 George (Russell Tovey)